
15th February 2017

12:37 AM

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful. 

January has passed and I did not even get chance to even feel the vibes of the first month of the year. Time is moving really fast, or is it just me who was just too leisure and ignorant of the time? I don't know. I have completed my third semester of Master's degree and currently preparing for my final semester (insyaAllah)  before graduating this year. I hope Allah will make it easy for me that I will be able to get the second chance of convocation. Even though it would not be so much of difference with  the previous convocation, but hey I'm still graduating what? Hahaha. Put aside the orange robe okay. 

I am preparing myself for a better future. I hope Allah will make it easy for me to go through all these. It is a burden but really an untimale dream of mine, but of couse it was not easy to get along this way. I have been praying for it to be a smooth sailing journey as I thought I could be able to treasure the time that I have. Hurdles are endless and challenges that I have faced are limitless. So far,    I'm still standing strong for myself. We gonna get though this together and we are going to own this time. Allah is with us and He will guide us through the way. He is the Most Knowing after all. 

My dear readers (if any), pray for me that I will be able to get through this along the way. I am still pretty happy with my life right now. Not a single thing that I wish to change (at the moment), because as much as I keep whining about what things that might not be as how I wanted it to be, I am still blessed with countless gifts from Him. He loves me and He tests me to let me know that I need Him in everything that I'm doing. Therefore, I thank him for everything that He has bestowed me with. 

Till then, assalamu'alaykum. 

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