
15th February 2017

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful.  January has passed and I did not even get chance to even feel the vibes of the first month of the year. Time is moving really fast, or is it just me who was just too leisure and ignorant of the time? I don't know. I have completed my third semester of...

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You Do You

The less you give a sh*t about life, the happier you’ll become. That’s what I’ve always heard. The thing is, we should not put too much attention and worry about worldly matters. I wasn’t trying to sound pious here, but trust me, the less you think about dunya matters, the calmer you’ll be. Trust me, we only live a short life and there’s...

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Penat dah aku nak jaga hati semua orang. Penat dah nak dahulukan orang lain sampai aku sendiri terbiar. Sakit jugak kadang-kadang bila apa yang kita buat tak dihargai. Bukan nakkan sangat penghargaan orang, tapi tolong la jangan selfish sangat.  2017 is going to be my year. That is my promise. I am going to make full use of 2017 and make sure that...

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